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Parks and Gardens
Parks and Garden professionals suffer from frequent punctures. Their tyres are relatively thin in rubber and do not resist prickly plants or perforating objects. In addition to the costs of immobilising equipment and staff, part repairs are often impossible and the inner tube solution does not solve the issue of future punctures. The only acceptable solution is the PAC anti puncture preventive treatment. Your profitability is at its maximum as the treatment is efficient for the entire life of the tyres (or for 3 years).
Lawn mowers

Here the inconvenience of a puncture is greater than the cost. Punctures on Saturdays or Sundays halt activity, sometimes until the following week end. For an investment of £40 to £70, is it wise to deprive oneself of the comfort and security of the PAC anti puncture preventive treatment? Have your tyres treated by an approved reseller (recommended) or treat them yourself using the 1L and 0.5 L containers.


For comfort reasons we do not treat road quads. For the others a puncture can be a major inconvenience. In the middle of nowhere, on a country or mountain track, without a spare tyre, a puncture is the beginning of some serious hassle. For an investment of £40 to £60, is it wise to deprive oneself of the comfort and security of the PAC anti puncture preventive treatment? Have your tyres treated by an approved reseller (recommended) or treat them yourself using the 1L and 0.5 L containers.

Scooter, Motorcycle, Mountain Bike

For mountain bike outings, for couriers, postmen, pizza deliverers ... a puncture is a problem that is to be avoided at all costs. For an investment of 12 to 18€, is it wise to deprive oneself of the comfort and security of the PAC anti puncture preventive treatment? Have your tyres treated by an approved reseller (recommended) or treat them yourself using the 1L and 0.5 L containers.

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